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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Aug 1, 2018

Alright guys…. I’m shaking things up this week for the 100th episode extravaganza! My executive producer, also known as my husband John, is here to help me co-host and we’re talking about basically everything you could imagine. Getting to this 100th episode has been such a journey and to celebrate this milestone, we’re showing you John and Molly like you’ve never seen us before! Like I said, we talked about almost everything under the sun. We get personal, talking about how we met and answering questions from friends and listeners alike, and we talk all things professional, going over common themes found in the previous 99 episodes and John gives his advice on how to get out and stay out of debt. We are also sharing the top 10 episodes from the first 99! You’ll also find out how John picks the infamous sound effects that you hear at the end of every show! We had a lot of laughs doing this episode, so I hope you have as much fun listening to it as we did recording it. I’m so proud of these 100 episodes and I’m excited for the next 100 episodes to come, so buckle up and help us celebrate the 100th episode of Business with Purpose!

Special thanks to CAUSEBOX for sponsoring this week’s Business with Purpose podcast. Use coupon code MOLLY for $15 off!

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