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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Sep 26, 2018

When you hear the term “ethical,” what does it mean to you? When I ask different people, different people give me different definitions. I think everyone’s idea of “ethical company” may mean something different, like maybe how they treat animals, or the materials they use and how it impacts the planet, or...

Sep 19, 2018

I talk all the time about the importance of having a “why” in your business. Having a “why” is that foundation that every business owner should build their business upon. Simply because, when the rough patches come (which they will) and when the business gets hard (which it will), having a strong “why”...

Sep 12, 2018

A common thread I’ve discovered through interviewing so many social entrepreneurs is that they worked at a particular field that isn’t inherently social conscious and they realized, something had to be done to change it or make it better. They weren’t just going to sit back and say, “Oh that’s a terrible...

Sep 5, 2018

I love cultural history. I love it. I soak up details and facts and information about the history of different cultures anytime I can. I listen to podcasts, I read blogs, watch documentaries, and when I meet someone from a different culture--especially if they are a seasoned person, if you know what I mean--I...