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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Jan 30, 2019

Our lives are filled with defining moments. Tragedy shakes us, suffering changes us, but it’s how we take tragedy, and how we learn from suffering that determines the next phase or trajectory of our lives. We can choose to use that suffering as an excuse, and become bitter, and disheartened, and withdraw from the...

Jan 23, 2019

There is a cliche saying that says, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I know we hear it all the time, but really, have you ever thought about the priceless value of an image? I don’t like to think that I have regrets in life, but there is one regret that I have. To be honest with you, it sticks me with every...

Jan 16, 2019

If I’m being honest, I don’t even know how to introduce today’s episode. Back in the Fall, my husband and I had the opportunity to screen a documentary called Letter from Masanjia, and I’ll get into the details of the documentary, and we’ll be talking about it throughout this episode. But, after I saw that...

Jan 9, 2019

The average american woman is a size 14/16. I’m a size 14, so I’m pretty average, but I will say that ever since having kids, I have noticed how much the fashion industry does not cater to average women like me, and women who are above a size 14. One of my biggest challenges as an ethical fashion advocate has been...

Jan 2, 2019

I love meeting people who see a need and they fill it. They see an area that they can specialize in or an area that is underserved in this world and they just do it. They don’t make excuses, they don’t come up with reasons why it won’t work, they just go for it. They find solutions, not excuses. They make a way...