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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Jul 25, 2018

One of the things I talk about a lot is the fact that there are a lot of layers to the ethical and fair trade fashion world. It’s not just about pretty, handmade clothes. There are so many complex issues that really hide beneath the surface, or sometimes maybe they’re brought to the surface. Everything from the...

Jul 18, 2018

I believe in my heart of hearts that everyone, yes, everyone, is born with a gift. Now, I don’t know what your gift may be, but you, listening right now, you have a gift that was given to you at birth. Maybe you can sing, or dance, or you love to organize, or you really love spreadsheets (that’s my husband), or you...

Jul 11, 2018

Some of you may or may not know this, but I am a former comedian! I performed improvisational and sketch comedy for almost 15 years and I loved it. While I’m no longer on stage a couple nights a week, I still love the art of improv comedy and used so many of the skills I gained doing improv in my everyday life: in my...

Jul 4, 2018

With today’s news cycles, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the troubles going on in our world. Where do we even start? How do we even scratch the surface of helping? What do we do? What can one person do to make a difference in some of the world’s biggest problems? It does not have to be complicated. It...