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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Aug 29, 2018

You may be one type of person. You may be the type of person who, you are currently working in a job and you have that side hustle that you really enjoy, but it just kind of supplements whatever you do for a living right now, and you’re happy where you are. Or, you might be the person who is currently working a job...

Aug 22, 2018

The term millennial gets a bad rap these days. Millennials are thought to be entitled, lazy, self-serving, wasteful, but here’s the thing, let’s be honest: those types of people exist in every generation, ever. That is not a new trait that’s unique to the millennial generation. In fact, the more I learn from and...

Aug 15, 2018

For years, the downtown area of Harrisonburg, Virginia had an eyesore that its residents had to drive past each and every day. It was a run down, bright pink pornography shop in disrepair. It was a place of hurt and pain and despair. It was a place of so much darkness. It was a place that once closed down, no one...

Aug 8, 2018

It’s a fact - when the unemployment rate is high, the first people to be hit are women and children. Whether it’s in a developing nation or here in the United States, women and children are the first ones affected by any type of unemployment. I have talked about this before, but when a woman is provided a job in a...

Aug 1, 2018

Alright guys…. I’m shaking things up this week for the 100th episode extravaganza! My executive producer, also known as my husband John, is here to help me co-host and we’re talking about basically everything you could imagine. Getting to this 100th episode has been such a journey and to celebrate this...