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Can I Laugh On Your Shoulder?

Aug 22, 2018

The term millennial gets a bad rap these days. Millennials are thought to be entitled, lazy, self-serving, wasteful, but here’s the thing, let’s be honest: those types of people exist in every generation, ever. That is not a new trait that’s unique to the millennial generation. In fact, the more I learn from and speak with people in the millennial generation, the more I’m finding the opposite to be the case. Millennials care about their impact, millennials want to buck the status quo, and rally for change, and improve their communities, and be active and involved in the process. They are do-ers, they’re the next generation, and it’s time that we start partnering with them to make stuff happen. But interestingly enough, some of our cultures most iconic brands and companies have zero clue how to interact with, or market to millennials. When it comes to millennials, they are out of touch. My guest today saw an opportunity to fix that. Alexandra Douwes is the founder of Purpose Generation, a millennial strategy and insights company, that helps large iconic brands better understand and engage the next generation of consumers and talent. This is one of the most unique companies I’ve ever had on the show, and I loved, loved, loved everything about this conversation. I wanted to let you know that there is something we talk about in the show that Alexandra is launching next month, and we have a unique coupon code and opportunity for you to participate in it. ON THE IMPACT OF MILLENNIALS The importance of researching the consumer trends of millennials is really vital for businesses in the modern age. On top of this, really understanding the fact that millennials are searching for deeper meaning in their everyday, from their work, to their purchases, this sets the trend for companies to implement meaning and impact into their business models. ON FINDING PURPOSE Wouldn’t it be incredible, at 24 or 25, to have a clear map of your passions and aspirations, that can then lead you in your life direction? Alexandra talks about the concept behind The Purpose Playbook, a collection of resources, content, and inspiration to help millennials live on purpose. SCALING IMPACT Sometimes making true impact requires both a mental and physical shift. Beginning to invest in making a difference at a younger age has proven the millennial generation to have a leg up on impact, allowing them to be the perfect consumer market to educate businesses on how to follow suit. About Alexandra Douwes, Founder of Purpose Generation: Alexandra is the cofounder of Purpose Generation and Purpose Playbook, two companies committed to discovering the "why" behind people and businesses. Purpose Generation is a millennial insights and strategy firm that helps iconic brands better understand and engage the next generation of consumers and talent. In her role as Head of Strategy & Operations, she helps the old guard navigate a new world of on-demand technologies, innovative work environments, triple bottom lines, portfolio careers and fostering intrapreneurship. Purpose Playbook is a digital destination for inspirational content and tactical resources to help people live more purposeful, purpose-filled lives. CONNECT WITH ALEXANDRA  

For the Purpose Playbook, use the coupon code "MOLLY"  for 25% off the Find Your Purpose Course.  

  • Find Your Purpose by Purpose Playbook is an 11-module course that offers you a roadmap to living a more purposeful, purpose-filled life. Whether you feel stuck and uninspired, or are simply struggling to choose where to invest your time and energy, this course will help you identify what matters most and how to build a life around that.
  • Head to for more information.  
  • The course will open for pre-enrollment on August 21st and course materials will become available on September 10th. Enrollment closes on September 14th. If you use the coupon code before September 10th, you can take advantage of early bird pricing which is an ADDITIONAL discount (just $59 total).


Special thanks to CAUSEBOX for sponsoring this week’s Business with Purpose podcast. Use coupon code MOLLY for $15 off!

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